1993-1996: President of Research Committee: Factores que influyen en la escasez del profesional de Enfermería en P.R. Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico, Secretaria de Enfermería (Unfinished)
1993-1996: President of Research Committee: Factores que influyen en la escasez del profesional de Enfermería en P.R. Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico, Secretaria de Enfermería (Unfinished)
1993-1994: Sabatical Leave: Desarrollo de la Salud Pública en PR y la Aportacion de la Profesíon de Enfermería hasta la Decada 1940. (Three Video of 45 minutes each)
1988: Colaborator in the Study of the Inventory of the Physical and Fiscal Resources for the Nursing Care of the Frail Elderly in the Western Health Region Office of Elderly Aftairs Western Region
1980: A Study of the Contribution of Nursing Leaders for the Improvement of Public Health in Puerto Rico between 1945-1960
1974: Interviews to different leaders in Nursing in Puerto Rico
1974: A Study of Absenteeism of the Department of Nursing Personnel at the Mayaguez Medical Center
1974: A Study of the Utilization of the Operating Room at the Mayaguez Medical Center
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