miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017


2007 to Present:  Member "Comisi6n de Reglamento CPEPR"

Member "Comision de Historia CPEPR"

2004-2005: President "Comision de Historia CPEPR"

2003:  Member "Comision de Premiaci6n CPEPR"

2001 : Member "Comisión de Resoluciones CPEPR"

1993:  President Committee, Promoción y Mercadeo de la Profesión de Enfermería, Secretaria de Enfermería, Departamento de Salud

1988:  Treasurer ofthe Board of Directors of the College of Professional Nursing of
Puerto Rico

1986-1987: President of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1985 : Vice-President of the Board ofNurse Examiners of Puerto Rico. Appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico

1984:  Secretary of the Board of Directors of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1983:  President of the By-laws Committee, Catholic Nurses Association- San Juan, Puerto Rico

1983:  Proctor for the Examination of Nurses; Board of Nurses Examiners of Puerto Rico

1982:  President Sigma Theta Tau Intemational, Nursing Honor Society, Epsilon Lambda Chapter

President of the By-laws Commission of the College of Professional Nursing ofPuerto Rico

1981:  First Vice-President of the Board of Directors College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1978-1980: President ofthe Society of Directors and Coordinators of the Nursing Programs of Puerto Rico. (Charter Member)

1978 : Second Vice-President of the Board of Director, College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico.
Member of the Education Committee of the Caribbean Nurses Organization

1973-1978: Member of the Liaison Committee of Community Services Division of Extension, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1976-1977: President College of Professional Nursing, Mayaguez Chapter

l977:  Member Steering Committee for the Organization of the Sigma Theta Tau Intenational Charter in the Department of Nursing in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1974-1984: First Vice-President, Second Vice-President; President "Comisi6n de Investigaci6n" (different years)

1974 : President "Comisi6n de Reglamento del CPEPR"

1960-1974: Member "Asociacion de Enfermeras Graduadas de PR". President in different years. The last president of the "Rama de Mayaguez".

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