miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017


1957  Graduate of the School of Nursing, RN-Program, Santa Luisa de Marillac, Damas Hospital - Ponce, Puerto Rico

1960  Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Catholic University of Puerto Rico

1970  Master of Arts Degree, Cathoiic University of Puerto Rico

1974  Graduate level courses at the School of Public Health, College of Allied Health of Medicine, Medical Sciences Campus - Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

1991  Graduate Certificate in Geriatrics, Department of Intemal Medicine, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Campus-Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico


1988-1995: Full Professor, Department of Nursing, BSN Program University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1982-1987: Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, BSN Program

1982-1984: Clinical Instructor of the Graduate Program in Nursing, School of Nursing, University of Puerto Rico - San Juan, PR (Part-time)

1980-1982: Associate Professor in Nursing, Department of Nursing - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, BSN Program

1976-1980: Director of the Nursing Department, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, Campus

1975 : Instructor of Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Department of Nursing University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1973-1974: Assistant to the Director of the Department of Nursing Services, Mayaguez Medical Center

1970-1973: Coordinator of the Staff Development Program, Department of Nursing Services, Mayaguez Medical Center

1967-1970: Instructor in the Associate Degree Program, Department of Nursing University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1965-1967: Acting Director, Dr. Jos6 N. Gandara School of Nursing, Ponce, PR (Diploma School)

1963-1965: Assistant Director, Dr. Jos6 N. Gandara School of Nursing, Ponce, PR (Diploma School)

1960-1963: Instructor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Dr. Jos6 N. Gandara, Diploma Program

1957-1960: Staff Nurse in the area of: Medicine, Surgery, Operating Room, Obstetric,
Part-time Instructor at Vocational School, Practical Nursing, Ponce, PR


1974 to Present : Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico

2007 to Present : Coordinator for the alumnae meeting of the School of Nursing of Damas Hospital

2000 to Present : Asociación de Exalumnas Escuela de Enfermería Dr. Jose N. Gandara en Ponce, PR.

1980-1998: President and member of Sigma Theta Tau Intemacional, Epsilon Lambda Chapter, UPR Mayaguez Campus (Charter member)

1977-1980: Charter member of the "Sociedad de Directores y Corodinadores de Programas de Enfermería de Puerto Rico"

1970-1985: Liga Nacional de Enfermería de Puerto Rico", National League of Nursing, Puerto Rico Chapter (Charter Member)

1975-1980: "Asociación Americana del Cancer" Western Region

1960-1974: "Asociación de Enfermeras Graduadas de Puerto Rico"

1994-1996: Member of the Committee of the Health Fair for the Elderly-President of the Finance Committee

1984-1994: Founder and Coordinator of the Health Fair for the Elderly, Department of Nursing-RUM

1988-1990: President Committee Ad-Hoc for the Preparation of the Proposal for the Graduate Program in the Department of Nursing, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1988-1990: President for the Organization of Nursing for the celebration Quinto Centenario Descubrimiento de America-Departamento de Enfermeria, UPR

1988-1990: Preparation & follow-up of a Proposal to the Office for the Celebraci6n del Quinto Centenario del Descubrimiento de America-Departamento de Enfermeria, UPR

1981-1988: Member of the Departmental Curriculum Committee-Department of Nursing, Mayaguez Campus, UPR

1981-1995 President of Personnel Committee, Department of Nursing, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Campus

1982-1984: Member of the Committee for the preparation of Challenge Examination for RN Students

1975: Member Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

 1975: Secretary of Personnel Committee, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1975: President Continuum Education Committee, Deparment o f Nursing, UPR-M

2007 to Present:  Member "Comisi6n de Reglamento CPEPR"

Member "Comision de Historia CPEPR"

2004-2005: President "Comision de Historia CPEPR"

2003:  Member "Comision de Premiaci6n CPEPR"

2001 : Member "Comisión de Resoluciones CPEPR"

1993:  President Committee, Promoción y Mercadeo de la Profesión de Enfermería, Secretaria de Enfermería, Departamento de Salud

1988:  Treasurer ofthe Board of Directors of the College of Professional Nursing of
Puerto Rico

1986-1987: President of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1985 : Vice-President of the Board ofNurse Examiners of Puerto Rico. Appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico

1984:  Secretary of the Board of Directors of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1983:  President of the By-laws Committee, Catholic Nurses Association- San Juan, Puerto Rico

1983:  Proctor for the Examination of Nurses; Board of Nurses Examiners of Puerto Rico

1982:  President Sigma Theta Tau Intemational, Nursing Honor Society, Epsilon Lambda Chapter

President of the By-laws Commission of the College of Professional Nursing ofPuerto Rico

1981:  First Vice-President of the Board of Directors College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1978-1980: President ofthe Society of Directors and Coordinators of the Nursing Programs of Puerto Rico. (Charter Member)

1978 : Second Vice-President of the Board of Director, College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico.
Member of the Education Committee of the Caribbean Nurses Organization

1973-1978: Member of the Liaison Committee of Community Services Division of Extension, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1976-1977: President College of Professional Nursing, Mayaguez Chapter

l977:  Member Steering Committee for the Organization of the Sigma Theta Tau Intenational Charter in the Department of Nursing in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

1974-1984: First Vice-President, Second Vice-President; President "Comisi6n de Investigaci6n" (different years)

1974 : President "Comisi6n de Reglamento del CPEPR"

1960-1974: Member "Asociacion de Enfermeras Graduadas de PR". President in different years. The last president of the "Rama de Mayaguez".

Nuevas Tendencias en Salud Escolar, panel presentado en el Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico, 1977

Enfermeria como Fuerza Trabajadora en el Campo de la Salud, Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico, 1987 (Sernana de la Mujer)

La profesión de Enfermeria y la Futura Ley de Práctica: Implicaciones en la Educación de Enfermeria, Anfiteatro del Recinto de Ciencias Médicas, 1987

Reactora al tema: Consideraciones Académicas y Profesionales que Justifican la Autonomia y/o Independencia de un Programa, Escuela de Enfermería del Recinto de Ciencias Médicas, Rio Piedras, 1987

Papel presentado en la Asamblea de la Asociaci6n de Administradores de Servicio de Enfermeria de Puerto Rico. Tema: El Problema de la Emigraci6n del Recurso de Enfermeria fuera de Puerto Rico, 1987

Papel presentado sobre el tema: Salud: Responsabitidad Compartida, Colegio de Ejecutivos en el Campo de la Salud, Caribe Hilton, 1987

Reactora a la presentaci6n de los Estindares de Educaci6n de la Enfermeria en Puerto Rico, Restaurante El Paseo, Hato Rey, 1987

Reactora en la presentacion de los Estindares para la Practica de la Enfermeria durante la Septima Asamblea Anual de la Asociacion de Administradores de Servicios de Enfermería de Puerto Rico (Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico)

Mensaje y Toma de Juramento a estudiantes graduandos, Departamento de Enfermeria, Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, Santurce, PR

Mensaje en la Reunión de Enfermeras/os Epidemiólogos, celebrada en Mayaguez.
Mensaje en la Asamblea de Enfermeras/os de Sala de Operaciones, Hotel La Concha, Condado, San Juan, PR

Mensaje en la Asamblea de la Asociacion de Estudiantes de Enfermería en Puerto Rico, Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de PR, Hato Rey, PR

Mensaje en la Convención Anual de la Federacion de Enfermeras/os Practicas/os de Puerto Rico, Dupont Plaza, San Juan, PR, 1986

Mensaje en la Asamblea Extraordinaria de Pacientes con Dialisis y Trasplante, Inc., celebrada en el Club de Leones de Cataño, Puerto Rico

Participation In Radial and TV Programs 1987

Programa radial con WKJB, WAEL y Canal 11 de TV en Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Programa Radial con Dr. Sanchez Longo - Radio Aeropuerto (30 minutos). Terna: Funcion del Profesional de Enfermeria

Conferencia de Prensa sobre el Problema de la Emigraci6n de las Enfermeras a Estados Unidos y a otras profesionales

Conferencia de Prensa sobre el Veto del Gobernador de Puerto Rico alP. del S. 1206

Programa Televisado por el Canal 11 con Eugenia Josefina. La Enfermera como Madre y Trabajadora. Semana de la Celebraci6n del Dia de Las Madres

Entrevista en la emisora NOTI-LINO. Condiciones de Empleo de las enfermeras/os en Puerto Rico

Entrevista Canal 13. Tema: Veto del Gobernador al P. del S. 1206 Programa Actualidades

Entrevista WPAB. Tema: Veto del Gobernador del P. del S. 1206 y el Problema de la Emigracion de Enfermeras/os de Puerto Rico

Conferencia de Prensa sobre el Problema de Requisito de Licencia de Tecn6logo de Hemodi6lisis a las enfermeras/os profesionales de Puerto Rico
Public Health Reports

Ponencia sobre el P. del S. No. 37 ante la Comision de Salud y Calidad Arnbiental del Senado de Puerto Rico presidida por la Senadora Ana N. Goyco

Ponencia ante la Junta Examinadora de Enfermeras/os de Puerto Rico sobre Revision de Reglamento de Educaci6n Continuaday Registro para la Recertificaci6n de Enfermeras Profesionales y Pr6cticas de Puerto Rico

Ponencia ante la Comisi6n Conjunta sobre la Reforma Educativa en Puerto Rico celebrada en el Recinto Universitario de Mayagiiez (a esta presentacion le fue dedicado un editorial del Periodico El Mundo)

Ponencia ante las Comisiones de Trabajo, Salud y Calidad Ambiental sobre el despido de las Enfermeras/os Pr6cticos en varios hospitales privados de Puerto Rico. (P. del S. No. 318)

Ponencia ante la Cfumara de Representantes-Comisiones de 1o Juridico Civil y de Salud Bienestar sobre Impericia Profesional (P. de la C. 648)

Ponencia sobre el P. del S. 474 para reglamentar la Terapia Respiratoria

Ponencia ante la Comisi6n de Salud y Bienestar de la Camara de Representantes en relaci6n al P. de la C. l2l9 para llevar a cabo un estudio detallado sobre todo 1o relacionado al SIDA

Ponencia sobre el P. de la C. 1071 para establecer en el Departamento de Salud un Registro de los Casos de Telarquia y Desarrollo Sexual Prematuro en Puerto Rico

Ponencia sobre el P. de la C. 1153 para enmendar el Articulo 4-A de la Ley No 99 del25 de junio de 1962, segun enmendada, que reglamenta el establecimiento de los Laboratorios y Bancos de Sangre en Puerto Rico

Ponencia sobre el P. del S. 938 relacionada alaLey No. 11 del23 de junio de 1976 que autoriza el intercambio de medicamentos de nombre comercial por medicamentos Bioequivalentes

Ponencia sobre el P. de la C. 1070 relacionado a la Ley Numero 11 del l5 de abril de 1974 relacionado con la donacion de organos y tejidos.

1993-1996:  President of Research Committee: Factores que influyen en la escasez del profesional de Enfermería en P.R. Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico, Secretaria de Enfermería (Unfinished)

1993-1994:  Sabatical Leave: Desarrollo de la Salud Pública en PR y la Aportacion de la Profesíon de Enfermería hasta la Decada 1940. (Three Video of 45 minutes each)

1988:  Colaborator in the Study of the Inventory of the Physical and Fiscal Resources for the Nursing Care of the Frail Elderly in the Western Health Region Office of Elderly Aftairs Western Region

1980:  A Study of the Contribution of Nursing Leaders for the Improvement of Public Health in Puerto Rico between 1945-1960

1974:  Interviews to different leaders in Nursing in Puerto Rico

1974:  A Study of Absenteeism of the Department of Nursing Personnel at the Mayaguez Medical Center

1974:  A Study of the Utilization of the Operating Room at the Mayaguez Medical Center

Sotomayor, Aida. "Discurso de apertura Sexta Asamblea Anual CPEPR". Boletín Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico, (Afio VII, Vol. XXV, marzo, I981)

Sotomayor, Aida. 'El proceso de cambio planeado". Boletin Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico, (Aflo VII, Vol. XXVII, septiembre, 1981)

Sotomayor, Aida. "Enfermería para un nuevo siglo: Desarrollo de los modelos y teorias en el concepto de enfermeria". Boletin Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico, (Año VII, Vol. XXIX, marzo) 1982)

Sotomayor, Aida. "Evaluación de personal'. LC.N. Ginebra, Suiza, 1983)

Sotomayor, Aida. Impericia Profesional: ¿Problema en Enfermería? (Editorial). Boletin Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico, (Afio XI, Vol. 1), marzo,1986

Sotomayor, Aida. Posición del Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico en relación al Despido de las Enfermeras/os Pricticas/os de su Empleo en Agencias de Salud. Boletín Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico, (Año XI, Vol. II) junio, 1986

Sotomayor, Aida. Ponencia ante los Honorables miembros de la Comisión de Gobierno Estatal, de lo Juridico y de Salud y Calidad Ambiental en relación al P del S 852 y 853. Boletín Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico, (Año XI, Vol. II) junio, 1986

Sotomayor, Aida. Nueva Legislación: Autonomia Legal y Mejor Servicio a la Sociedad. (Editorial)

Boletín Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermerla de Puerto Rico, (Año XII Vol. I) maruo,1987

Sotomayor, Aida. Elección de Nuevos Oficiales en la Junta de Gobierno. Boletín Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico, (Editorial) 1987

Sotomayor, Aida. Special Interview for the Journal Saludos. Hospital Administrator of Puerto Rico. December, 1987

1989:  Paper presented: continuity of care of the Frail Elderly with Long Term Care Conditions, Governor's Office on Aging, San Juan

1989:  Paper: Enfermería en el Puerto Rico de Hoy: profesión, Educación y vocación. colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico, Hato Rey, PR

1988:  Paper presented at the First Iberoamerican congress of public Health held at San Juan Convention Center, July 3l-August 3, lggg. Función e Importancia de la Programaci6n de los Servicios de Enfermería

1987:  Nuevas Técnicas en salud Escolar, colegio de profesionales de la Enfermería de Puerto Rico, Hato Rey

1984-1987Presentation of Papers in: college of Atlied Health professions School of Nursing, Medical Sciences campus, university of puerto Ribo; visiting Nursing Association of Puerto Rico; Student Nursing Association of Technological College of Arecibo, puerto Rico; University of Sacred Heart of Santurce, Puerto Rico; public Health Association of Puerto Rico; 2"d congress of the American college of Executives of Health Institutions; Association of Hospital Administrators of Puerto Rico; Department of Nursing, catholic University of Puerto Rico; Association of patient in Hemodialysis and rransplant of Puerto Rico and virgin Island; Federation of Licensed and Practical Nurses of Puerto Rico and Association of Nursing Administrator of Puerto Rico

1983:  Guest Speaker, college of Professional Nurses of the State of zu,lia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Guest Speaker, Nursing conference, Treasury of Social Security, Panamá

1980:  Guest Speaker to the Sixth Annual Meeting of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico.

2005:  Honor by Board of Trustee of the Hospital La Concepción San Germán, Puerto Rico

1989-1996:  Honor by "Asociaci6n Defensa del Envejeciente Puertorriqueflo, Inc.
Honor by "Asociaci6n de Trabajadores Retirados de la Industria de la Aguja, Inc."

1993:  Honor by "Agenciapara Asuntos de la Vejez, Región Oeste

November 1990 Honor by Colegio de Profesionales de la Enfermeria de Puerto Rico, Medal Dra. Celia Guzmán, Excellence in Nursing Education

October 1988:  Honor by the Catholic University of Puerto Rico as distinguished Alumnae.
June 1988 : Honored by Ethnic Racial Minority Fellowship Programs and the C'atinet of Human Rights of the American Nurses Association, "Outstanding Women of Color Award". (ANA, Louisville, Kentucky

May 1988:  Honor by the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Chapter for outstanding contributions of the nursing profession in Puerto Rico

December 1987:  Honor by the Board of Directors of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico during the Annual Convention for the achievements during the Presidency of 1986-1987

November 1987: Honor by the Nurse Educators Section College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico as a distinguished member. (For contribution to the nursing profession)

December 1986: Honor by College of Professional Nursing, Mayaguez Chapter (Community Services)

November 1986: Honor by Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Section. College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico. (For contribution to the nursing profession)

October 1986 : Honor by Rotary Club of Hato Rey as the Nurse of the Year, Bankers Club, San Juan, Puerto Rico

December 1985: Recognition by College of Professional Nursing, Mayaguez Chapter (achievement in the profession)

1983 Honor by Colegio de Enfermeria, Zulia Maracaibo, Venezuela

August 1982:  Honor by "Complejo Hospitalario Metropolitano, Caja de Seguro Social, Panamá

1981:  Honor by the Sigma Theta Tau International, Epsilon Lambda Chapter, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus for outstanding contribution

1974:  Recognition by the Professional Nursing Association of Puerto Rico for outstanding participation

1974:  Recognition by the Department of Nursing Personnel at the Mayagtez Medical Center for leadership and outstanding work

Dedication of the Annual Meeting of the Dr. José N. Gandara School of Nursing, Alumnae Organization, Ponce, Puerto Rico.

1960 at present: Founder and Advisor of the organization "Asociaci6n del Envejeciente Puertorriqueflo, Inc. (ADEP)" -Advise the Board ofADEP, INC. -Prepare proposals to obtain funds to offer services to the elderly population of the Westem Region

-Plan, coordinate and offer in-service training of fourteen hours to persons of 60 years or more to provide services to the population with Alzheimer condition. (Respite Care)
-Received the monitors and auditors of agencies that provide the fiscal resources to the care ofthe Alzheimer patient

1990-1994 : Liaison between the Department of Nursing of University of Puerto Rico, Mayaglrez Campus and the Office of Geriatric Education of the Medical Sciences Campus.
-Coordinate with the educational resources the 40 hours course in Geriatric for health professionals of the Westem Region

1990-1994 : -Submit a report ofthe assistance ofthe health professional that assist to the course.
-Attend meetings with the Director of the Geriatric Educational Center

1991-2005 : Member of the Board of Trustee of the Hospital La Concepci6n in San Germrin, Puerto Rico

-Member of Executive Committee of the Board of Trustee (1991-2006)

-President of the Committee for the establishment of the goals of the Hospital for the year 2003 and then approved by the Board of Trustee

-Mernber of the liaison Committee of the Board and the medical Faculty

-President and then member of the Quality Care Improvement Committee ofthe Board

-Member of the Medical Education Committee forthe accreditation of the Residence of Internal Medicine Program

-Member ofthe Complaint Committee ofthe Board of Trustee and Medical Faculty

-Member of the Committee for the Accreditation of the Hospital for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital La Concepci6n - San Germ6n, Puerto Rico

-Prepared the "Credo de Servicio del Hospitaf' and then, approved by the Board of Trustee"

-Member of the Committee for the Annual evaluation ofthe Executive Director

1993-2005 : Member and Secretary of the Board of Director of the Health Plan HOSCO

-Receive the monthly reports of the Executive Secretary ofthe Health Plan and make recommendations

-Evaluate the execution of the Executive Secretary of the Health Plan

-Approved and submit the annual report to the Commissioner of Insurance of P.R.

1989-1993:  Member and Secretary of the "Junta Regional para Asuntos de la Vejez, Región de Mayaguez, PR"

-Convoke and attend meeting twice a month

-Plan, prepare budget and supervise the services offered by the agencies that received funds from the area agency on aging
-Prepare proposals to obtain funds to serve elderly persons in the Westem Region

-Participate in studies about the needs of the elderly groups in the region

1994-1996:  Founder and coordinator of the Health Fair for the elderly population of the Western Region in the Department of Nursing

-Plan coordinate develop and evaluate the services to offer During the four days of the fair

-Supervise and coordinate the work of the different committees

-Obtain the fiscal resources for the celebration of the fair

-Edit and publish the results of the fair

1994-1996 : Member ofthe Board for the organization of the Health Fair for the Elderly Population

-President of the Finance Committee

1995-2006 : Advisor of the Organization "Trabajadores Retirados de la Industria de la Aguja, Inc. (TREINA)

-Advise the members of the organization in the program 'Visitantes Cordiales"

-Advise in the preparation of proposal to different government and private agencies

-Coordinate the training in the care of the elderly in the home to the members of the organization

-Cooperate in the preparation of the annual reports to different agencies that provide finance resources to the organization

-Assist regularly to the meetings and activities of the organization

1975-1980 : Member ofthe "Asociación Americana del Cáncer de Puerto Rico"

-Recruitment of new voluntary members

-Participate in the fund raising campaign

-Member of the Educational Committee

Significant Achievements during the period 1986-87 as President of the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

1. Revision of the Law, l2l, which regulated Nursing Practice in Puerto Rico, achieving the approval of Law No. 9 of the 11th of October of 1987. The Governor of Puerto Rico signed the law in the Nursing Department of the Mayagrcz Campus ofthe University of Puerto Rico. The Law No. 9 provides for professional and legal autonomy, independent practice, nursing categories by level of preparation and the reorganization of the Board ofNurse Examiners among other aspects

2. Presented legislation, which was approved, for nurses who work in Hemodialysis units: the Law No. 67 of June 2, 1987

3. Preparation and publication of the minimum Salary Scale for Nurses of Puerto Rico in the different categories by academic preparation

4. Preparation and approval of Nursing Education Standards

5. Preparation and approval of Nursing Practice Standards

6. Achieved reclassification of school nurses at government level

7. Made arrangements for nurses to obtain professional Malpractice insurance

8. Organized the Student Nurses Association at the State level

9. Economic stability of the College

10. Preparation and approval of a manual of Norms and Procedures for the Board of Directors

11. Preparation and implementation of the Norms of Administrative Control: personnel, budget, inventory, materials, and normal routine process of the College

12. Preparation and implementation of an Accountant Manual to the College of Professional Nursing of Puerto Rico

13. Stability of the administrative, economic and operational processes of the Nurses Elderly Tower

14. Named a Consultation Board for the Nurse Elderly Tower

15. Remodelation of the physical structure of the Nurse Elderly Tower

16. Preparation of document for the Revision of the Organization By-laws

17. Preparation and approval of guides for the preparation of Chapter by laws and work groups ofthe College

18. Organized the section ofNurses who work in Hemodialysis units. 19. Organized a group named: 'VoluntaryNurses in Acction" at the State level

20. Revised noflns ofthe Economic Assistance Commission for 1988

21. Reactivated the Gerontology Section and Occupational Health, Nurses Section

22. Prepared a videotape focused on recruiting male students for nursing programs

23. Represented the professional organization in numerous legislative hearings related to health and nursing bills

Editorial escrito en el 1986, por la entonces Presidenta del Colegio de Profesionales de Enfermería de Puerto Rico, Prof. Aida Morales de Sotomayor. Se discute las conclusiones y propuestas del Colegio de Profesionales de Enfermería de Puerto Rico a la revision por el gobierno de Puerto Rico a la Ley 121 1965. 

Implicaciones de la Revision de la Ley 121 del 1965 para la Educación de Enfermería